Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rain here...and a job!

It's amazing how quickly things change. It was only a few days ago that I was agonizing over how I was going to keep my sanity here. Grandpa was fine in his normal ornery ways but I was starting to go stir crazy and was far from fulfilled with my "work" here. I found myself spending a ridiculous amount of time checking my email and facebook just waiting for something to happen in Cyberspace as there was very little going on here if I didn't create it myself. a crazy streak of luck and random circumstances I ended up with a job....a PERFECT job. It took less than 24 hours to hear about the job, interview, and get offered the job. Today I worked all day and it's been the strangest, greatest, most exciting three days I've had in a while! I'm sure that my new gig mentoring new teachers will provide me with piles of "Sweet Eggs" of reflective new ideas, I'm afraid I won't have nearly so much time to keep up with them here. Irony of ironies I guess.

To update everyone on my chickies, they're doing great and getting big. Rhonda is starting to get stubble of feathers all the way up on her head. Even Donna and Berenice are starting to get tail feathers and fill out on their wings. They're still absolutely stinking cute. Donna got "lost" today on our trip out to the coop. She managed to escape from the garden cart we use to cart them to the coop and was left 30 feet behind us peeping in the grass and looking for her flock. The flock, stayed in the garden cart even when I tried to dump them out so she could see them and I had to herd the poor peeper back. It was pretty funny to watch them all and all were much happier when they figured out how to get back into the coop after such an adventure.

It's funny how much they crave the comfort of the coop (even with the door open). It may just be because they're still so small but they would rather battle each other for perches in the coop than run around in the yard and garden. There's something to be said there for the power and comfort of home, even if you do all drive each other crazy there.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like we both got good news this week! I actually got offered a different job this morning! I was originally going to work as a para in the Severe and Profound Program at Rifle Middle (through BOCES). But this morning Shane found me in the hall and said he needed a long term sub for 8th grade language arts. The good part about taking the long term sub gig is that I'll interview for the permanent position, should it come available.
    I am so jealous of your little chicks. I have always wanted to keep chickens, but I've never been brave enough to do it. Think of me when you are savoring your first fresh egg!!
